Continuous Flow Shotblast Machine ROTOFLOW
Hook Shotblast machines type CAPRI
Hook Shotblast machines type Carousel SANDERMATIC
Rotary table Shotblast Machines type RT
Rubber Belt Tumblast Machines Tappeto Rampante
Shotblast Machine for coil wire type VERBOR
Shotblast Machines for marble and cement type TRL
Shotblast Machines for wire type DS DESCALER (SWS)
Shotblast machines with Diabolo Rollers type RBC
Shotblast Machines with steel wire mesh conveyor type CWB
Shotblasting machine type LAUCO with roller conveyors
Shotblasting machine type TUNNELBLAST
Special installation - AIRBLAST - Automatic compressed air Shotblasting machine
Special installation - INNERBLAST– Internal Shotblasting machine for the treatment of gas bottles
Special installation - RB – Shotblast machine for gas bottles
Special installation - SANDERPIPES Shotblast machine for pipes
Special installation - WR 4030-PXC - Shotblast machine for wagons
Special installation – SANDERPLATE Shotblast for vertical plates
Special installation – TR Rotary table machine with satellites
Steel Belt Tumblast Machines Tappeto Rampante