Elcometer 138 Abrasive Soluble Salt Test Kit – ASTM D4940
Abrasives used for blast cleaning surfaces can be contaminated with soluble salts due to the source or the re-use of the blasting media. This contamination can be transferred to the blast cleaned surface and result in accelerated corrosion conditions and also cause premature coating failure, if this contamination is not removed prior to applying the coating.
Testing abrasives on site for soluble salt contamination can be carried out quickly and easily using the Elcometer 138 Abrasive Soluble Salt Test Kit, according to the ASTM D4940 method. A measured volume of the abrasive is mixed with the same volume of water and agitated to allow any soluble salts to dissolve in the water. The resulting slurry is allowed to settle and the filtered water can then be tested using a conductivity meter. The Elcometer 138 Abrasive Soluble
Salt Test Kit provides all that is needed to carry out the test in the field or in the laboratory.
Standards: ASTM D4940