Elcometer 114 Dewpoint Calculator
This provides accurate values of Relative Humidity (RH) and Dewpoint from the wet and dry bulb temperatures measured by a Whirling or Sling Hygrometer - such as the Elcometer 116 range.
The range of the Elcometer 114 is -10°C to 50°C and it has an accuracy of ±1% of standard tables.
The calculator includes a °C to °F converter.
Product Categories
- Abrasion1
- Adhesion7
- Climate Monitoring12
- Colour and Gloss1
- Corrosion Testing2
- Covermeters and Rebar Locators1
- Dry Film Thickness9
- Elasticity and Deformation5
- Fieness of Grind2
- Hardness and Scratch9
- Inspection Accessories8
- Inspection Kits3
- Material Thickness8
- Moisture Meters1
- NDT Instruments4
- Paint Physical Characteristics Determination5
- Pinhole and Porosity Detectors5
- Surface Cleanliness and Surface Profile21
- Viscosity9
- Wet Film Applicators9
- Wet Film Thickness8