The newest shoot blasting technologies for shipbuilding industry
The shipbuilding industry faces series of challenges in our days. The companies active in this sector have to deal with a lot of difficulties, including high labour costs and the instability of prices for components and raw materials. Furthermore IMO imposes more rigorous standards meant to increase the security in the shipyards and the environmental protection.
The latest regulations on surface treatment have to be considered by all departments involved in the shipbuilding industry, especially by those involved in blasting and painting operations. Therefore working with the appropriate abrasive materials becomes mandatory.
Premium solutions for surface treatment operations
Profilium is an abrasive solution, which helps in increasing the productivity of the blasting operations up to 35%-45%. Furthermore, using it for rust removal purposes, insures that the surface to be treated becomes in the end much more uniform than in case of utilizing any other similar products.
The quality of the cleaning process attracts a lower cost for the afterwards painting operations. The paint consumption decreases up to 3% per year, when compared to what’s needed when using any other type of abrasive materials for blasting operations.
Tests have been conducted in series of shipyards all over the world. The total cost of the blasting applications is reduced up to 8.7%, while the labour and electricity costs decrease with 10%, when using the Profilium solution.