
Technical Inspection of polyurethane foam insulations

Technical Inspection of polyurethane foam insulations

Visual Inspection 

Generally speaking, the visual inspection helps identifying the following aspects:

find out if the insulation was done while applying a sufficient number of layers so that the cover correspond to the porpoise and  the specifications of the project

identify the degree in which the polyurethane foam was sprayed in such a way so that it would assure an air barrier, admitting that this was the main goal of the project

identify the level in which the foam fixed itself onto the layers below and is well connected to the surface to be isolated

identify the level in which the profile of polyurethane foam is overall satisfactory

check the uniformity and the constancy of  the color

identify any cracks, or holes in the material

check the degree in which the norms related to thermal and fire insulation are fulfilled 

Measuring the thickness of the polyurethane foam layer

The thickness of the polyurethane foam layer varies depending on:

Specifications - The recommended thickness is related to the R-value. In some cases a minimum size is needed, corresponding to a low R-value, while in other situations medium layers are to be put into place. Most often these inquiries correspond to the norms prescribed for construction works.

Application technique for assemblage areas – Especially for the polyurethane foam with closed cells one should use a frame with the help of which the margins are going to be filled in first. The middle of the zone that is supposed to be insulated should be processed while spraying it through up and down, or left to right layers. This will unable it to be covered in a thinner form. For the middle area it is recommended to follow the specifications related to middle values, as formulated by the producer, and by the norms into force.

Surface profile – The covered surfaces have very rarely a constant and perfect size. Variations appear for series of reasons. The profiles with open cells present fluctuations that are more evident and visible than the ones with closed cells. In this case also it is recommended to take into account the minimum and medium values of the oscillations prescribed in the norms. 

Measuring the thickness of the layer of polyurethane foam can be easily done through noninvasive methods, while simply using a ruler and it is recommended to be periodically and constantly done. The zones where one identifies variations are to be repaired while spraying at low pressure an extra amount of polyurethane foam.

Optionally one can check material samples 

Verifying samples of polyurethane foam implies destructive measures of investigations with better results related to the identification of the quality of the insulation. The visual inspections and the tactile ones are generally enough for doing it, while the checking of samples are recommended only in case that there are doubts about the way in which the insulation was put into place. The main idea is to analyze the constancy of the cooler, the density of the material and the eventual appearance of cracks within the cover. The repair of the areas with problems is to be done as previously mentioned, while spraying an extra amount of polyurethane foam under low pressure. 

Performing tests

One of the most relevant attributes of the polyurethane foam is its ability to expand into cracks, holes and niches. That’s the reason why the material acts as an air barrier, insulating the building from the exterior environment.

Tests effectuated at doors are to be done before and after the application for checking the energetic efficiency. During these tests one can verify the overall quality of the work.

Monitoring the level of carbon monoxide is mandatory for assuring its level of security.