Relevant financial resources available for research and development programs
During 2014-2020 the grant per project can vary between 1.000.000 EUR and 20.000.000 EUR.
The financial resources will be distributed through the so-called Competitiveness Operational Programs according to the budgets available for each development region in part.
5.000.000 EUR will be offered to Bucharest. 15.000.000 EUR will be allocated to the West region and Ilfov County and 20.000.000 EUR to the rest of the country.
The total value of a project that is considered eligible is limited to 50.000.000 EUR.
In Northwest, Centre, North East, South East, South, and South West regions the GRANT will be limited to 50% in case of big enterprises, 60% in case of medium enterprises and 70% in case of small companies.
For the West region and Ilfov county the percentages are 35%, 45% and 55%.
In Bucharest, big enterprises can cover 15% of the project’s value with the GRANT till December 2017 and 10% till 2020. Medium enterprises can get 25% initially and 20% afterwards. In case of small companies the percentages are 35% and 30%.
When the project is focusing on building or extending the capacities of research departments, the eligible activities are:
land acquisition
building, modernizing and/or extension of a building destined to host a research center or laboratory.
The main objective should be to equip the spaces for them to become modern research and development centers.
It is mandatory for the projects to refer to investments that incorporate a high degree of innovation, being so entirely different from the main activity the company develops.
Further eligibility requirements:
land acquisition: the amount should not be higher than 10% of the total eligible costs
building / modernizing expenses – maximum 50% of the total eligible costs
acquisition of IT&C, installations, equipments and instruments for research are considered eligible
the acquisition for software applications and licenses is limited to 10% of the total eligible amount of the project
building buying (maximum 40% of the total eligible amount)
For getting the GRANT other specific conditions are to be considered:
the investment has to be maintained in the region at least 5 years in case of big companies or 3 years in case of SMEs.
Leasing acquisitions are not allowed and second hand equipment are not considered eligible