
Quality control of painting applications on concrete and other similar surfaces

Quality control of painting applications on concrete and other similar surfaces

The adjustment of the painting layers can be easily organized with the use of Elcometer 500. The device was specially designed for exact measurements of the coating applied on concrete and other similar materials. 

Elcometer 500 is able to generate 60 measurements per minute while in standard mode and over 140 readings per minute in scan mode, therefore being able to minimize the necessary inspection time. 

It is extremely precise!

Elcometer 500 will display the thickness of the paint layer only when the power signal is green. This way all other fake or incorrect measurements will be eliminated from the reading list. If the thickness of the layer will be out of the normally accepted values, Elcometer 500 will display this information, too.

A smart device

The measuring’ probes are delivered together with a set of interchangeable components. If these elements are deteriorated or overused during functioning they can be replaced for the final result of the controlling process to not be affected. Furthermore the device will let you know when to change the probes’ consumables for better results. 

Easy to use

There is no need to set up minimal or maximal values for the paint layer. It is enough to select the type of the coating material and the inspection process can begin. 


Elcometer 500 is ergonomic and was designed for an easy and continues use. 


The device can be used in any circumstances. It perfectly resists in both lab conditions and on the site, even if in contact with water or mud. 


Elcometer 500 transfers the readings and the statistics via WiFi, Bluetooth or USB to the inspection application in use or to ElcoMaster (the mobile app specially designed by Elcometer for analytics and inspection works). 

How to create inspection reports while using ElcoMaster (the mobile app from Elcometer)?

How the collected information is interpreted and further used is as important as the proper collection of the data.

ElcoMaster is a software with the help of which data management and quality control can be easily and rapidly done. It is capable to generate professional inspection reports, with a simple click. 

The data that are transferred to ElcoMaster include:

  • Date and time when the measurements where concluded
  • Statistical values
  • Limit values
  • The readings that shows values that are above the maximum admitted limits
  • Graphics
  • Information on parcels and adjustments 

The EcoMaster users can:

  • Save readings in real time and organize them in distinct folders
  • Visualize graphics in real time during inspection works
  • Add notes with regard to different measurement sections
  • Add photos of the tested surfaces and associate those to the appropriate folders
  • Associate individual readings to a specific location on the map, to a photo, or to a graph
  • Transfer the data from the mobile device to the PC for further analysis and reports
  • Generate reports in .pdf format and transfer those to third parties