Polyuria – the ideal solution for industrial and commercial floors
Sometimes choosing the right technical solution for commercial and industrial floors can be a hard process. The diversity of products existing on the market plus the set of challenges these floors are confronted with, make it complicated for the specialists to opt for one particular technology. The surface to be treated has to be a no slippery floor able to ensure a high degree of safety to those entering in contact with it. Ideally speaking it should also be protected against chemical corrosion and eventual water infiltrations. It has to be impact resistant and to not be influenced by temperature differences. If that wouldn’t be enough, one should add to the wishing list aspects such as: cost efficiency, long-term resistance, and possibility to restart immediately the activity in the industrial and commercial area.
Under such circumstances the list of technical options becomes shorter and shorter, polyuria being one of those products able to positively respond to all needs as they have been mentioned above.
Which are the advantages of using polyuria for industrial and commercial floors?
The technology is more efficient than any other alternative solutions especially when it comes to resistance and safety. Furthermore, in comparison with traditional products (polyurethane or epoxy), polyuria can be applied easier and faster. Getting quickly dry allows creating new layers on short term making it easy for the activities to be restarted in the location, usually after couple of hours or days after application.
It is highly recommended in places where topics such as safety and healthy are top priorities, or in areas where stopping the activity would create series of inconveniences.
How to apply polyuria?
Novag III Plus is a hydraulic dosage unit that incorporates high technology developed and produced for applying polyuria that needs proper mixing for ensuring a high quality owork. The correct configuration of the equipment allows an easy access to all unit’s components, simplifies the control process and reduces the maintenance times.
The new design of the machine eliminates its asymmetric loading, ensures a longer lifetime to the seals and a constant pressure that makes it easy to achieve the perfect mix to be applied.
The new version of the machine can be connected to computers, tablets or smartphones. The information on the equipment’s screen will be displayed on these devices allowing the long distance control of the operations.