Insuring the anticorrosive protection of metallic surfaces through blasting operations
Blasting is a technological procedure preparing surfaces for metallization and painting operations. Sometimes, before starting the procedure it is necessary to previously clean the surface with solvents in order to remove any contaminants. Through blasting a proper profile of the surface is going to be created for further obtaining the right results during metallization and painting operations.
In order to comply with the standards related to the cleaning degree of the surface it is recommended to use specialized control equipment such as Elcometer 128, 122, 224 and 125.
In case there are doubts that the abrasive material has been contaminated during blasting, checking it while using different chemical solutions (Elcometer 134A) should be considered.
Each blasting operation in part needs the appropriate type of equipment.
Depending on the wished level of productivity, the size and the complexity of the elements to be blasted, following equipment could be used:
Compressed air blasting systems:
with injector – blasting cabinets for small pieces and limited series
pneumatic shot blasting installation – able to insure a high productivity when big components are to be processed or when working on complex elements
Blasting systems with conveyor belt – which are extremely efficient when the blasting operation is the first activity to be considered during the production process
Rotating Table Shot blasting Machines – for medium sized elements
Tumble Shot blasting Machines – for small and medium sized metallic parts
During the process series of abrasive materials can be used:
angular steel abrasives – recommended when blasting steel elements with the help of pneumatic sandblasting machines
stainless steel shots – recommended when using blasting installations with turbines
glass beads – usually suggested when blasting stainless steel elements or when the cleaning process has decorative purposes