Improve the working conditions while using industrial heaters
In order to ensure optimal working conditions during wintertime, industrial heaters are recommended. Depending on where they will be placed and on the available power source, one might opt between liquid fuel heaters – with direct or indirect burning, electric heaters and/or pellets heaters.
When choosing a heater, the following aspects should be taken into consideration:
room volume;
insulation value;
difference between desired temperature (e.g. working space) and outside temperature;
fuel or electric power supply possibility;
environmental restrictions.
Electric heaters have the following advantages:
they do not consume oxygen;
no noxious discharge during heating process;
they are easy to be installed;
they can be used in confined and without ventilation spaces;
they can be used instantly where power is available;
they need low power units.
There are two types of oil heaters: with direct burning and with indirect burning.
Heaters with direct burning can be an option for spaces with natural ventilation. They offer:
direct heating with 100% efficiency;
fast temperature rise;
comparable power with the one needed by electric heaters.
When using these units, very good room ventilation is required.
Heaters with indirect burning are versatile units, available in a wide range of power (from 25kW to 200kW).
They require combustion chamber preheating in order to avoid cold air release when switched on;
They are completely automated;
Room ventilation is required;
Fresh air connection should be available;
They are equipped with fork truck slots;
They are available in radial HP variant for extra high pressure (500 Pa) and additional air flow;
The radial fans are essential for heat distribution over long distances, while using hoses.