
Heat exchangers – the solution that saves 50% of the energetic costs in case of surface treatment applications

Heat exchangers – the solution that saves 50% of the energetic costs in case of surface treatment applications

The energy wheels proved to be an amazing technical solution even when used under extreme climatic conditions, where the risk of corrosion is high. They are able to cover airflows from 0.20m3/s to 45m3/s.

The equipment can be successfully installed in hospitals, schools, offices, commercial centers, hotels and industrial halls.

A study conducted by the Norwegian University, during which tests related to transfer and cross contamination have been organized, compared energy wheels made of Dur-Aluminum with units incorporating molecular sieves. The products from the first category proved to be better and more efficient. The cross-contamination risk in their case is 22% to 61% lower than in case of equipment from the second category.

The Dur-Aluminum energy wheels are recommended for extensive use in pollutant and corrosive environments. They are very robust and highly resistant to rust.