
Efficient technical solutions for floor processing

Efficient technical solutions for floor processing

Polyuria application

Polyuria covers are extremely efficient as they insure:

abrasion resistance

anticorrosive protection


chemical resistance and structural improvement of the surface

esthetic qualities 

Applying polyuria is productive for both the owner and the contractor of the place. It insures creating a floor with special characteristics. The polymerization process is rapidly done and confers the possibility to use the surface immediately after application.

The procedure can be implemented on different types of surfaces – concrete, metal, and wood – plus it is possible under a wide range of thermal and humidity conditions. From the owner’s point of view the most relevant advantage is the possibility to use the area immediately after the application of polyuria. The repair works are rapidly done being therefore also costly optimized. 

The application of polyuria using specialized mixers allows obtaining any desired layer thickness in one or more passes. Based on the way in which the material is formed, one can obtain extra benefits such as skidproof, and possibility to create different textures and colors. 

One can choose to use GRACO Reactor 2, which combines for instance an electric pump with the advantages of a diesel generator. The integrated system uses part of the diesel engine power for heating the A and B components. This way the necessary electric resources are reduced. Furthermore the maintenance of the equipment is easily done.

Using the pump together with the GracoInSite panel control allows also a better coordination of the teams in the field.