
Dürr and Kuka launched this year the most amazing automated painting solution for industrial applications

Dürr and Kuka launched this year the most amazing automated painting solution for industrial applications

In May 2017, Dürr and Kuka – worldwide leaders in systems’ automation – launched together a painting robot, which can be used on a large variety of industrial applications. Kuka developed the equipment itself while Dürr integrated the technology for paint application. The final technical solution is a really revolutionary one and can be successfully used for processing wood, plastic, glass and metal elements.

The innovation consists of a small six axes robot equipped with state of art paint application technology. The equipment is available in series of configurations.  Dürr preinstalls the systems making them really easy to be put into place on clients’ sites.

The German company offers in fact a large pallet of painting robots highly efficient especially in the automotive industry.

They are mainly TOP technologies destined to process big surfaces. The new robot that was developed in cooperation with Kuka covers all others needs existing in the area of automated industrial painting.

The new equipment received the Innovation Prize at AWFS Visionary New Product Awards in Las Vegas.