
Choosing the right blasting hoses influences the level of productivity in your blasting hall

Choosing the right blasting hoses influences the level of productivity in your blasting hall

The final results of the blasting operation depend on the volume of air and the pressure with which this one is pushed out from the nozzle, during the application.

Evidently, the production itself is affected when the air volume, which is pumped by the air-compressor, is too small and the pressure with which it gets through the hoses is low. In this context the length of the hoses plays an important role as well. Of course this depends on the level of accessibility existing in the working area and on the distance from the blasting pot. A strong air-compressor can anyway bring the best results in conjunction with 60 to 90 m hoses or even longer ones.

When the distance between the compressor and the blasting pot increases, the blasting pressure automatically decreases.

In conclusion:

Shorter hoses are to be considered when willing to maintain a high working pressure. Ideally speaking both the air and the blasting hoses are to be as short as possible. The compressor is to be placed near the blasting pot and the last one as near as possible to the operator. This way the pressure will remain constant during the application.

Large hoses are recommended for reducing the friction effect and the decrease of the working pressure. If the hoses are correctly selected, the working pressure will remain constant and the overall performance of the operation will increase. The blasting will go better, faster and with minimum lost of abrasive material, while the dust emissions will be kept to the minimum level.

The blasting rate can be doubled through simply adapting the hoses you use. Big nozzles need big hoses. When blasting with 7/16” nozzle it is necessary to pump the air through a 2” hose. Any smaller version of it will immediately affect the air pressure and the overall results of the blasting operation.

PS. When opting for a specific type of hose, one should also check the fittings in order to be sure that things match with each other.