Case study: the extraction of welding fumes with the help of NEX HD arms
At Clivanexport in Greece, ovens and mixers for pastries are produced. The 4 welding units generate during work, relevant quantities of fumes and other toxic emissions. Beside that, manipulating the isolation material produces particles in suspension, which in some quantities can be extremely unhealthy for the workers in the production area.
The solving option was to install 2 NEX HD extraction arms, of 4 m each and 2 arms of 5 m each that were supposed to work in conjunction with one NCF ventilator. Due to exceptional results, the factory in Greece decided to extend the solution for 2 extra welding spots and to further install a Filtermax unit together with an invertor for the ventilator. The technical solution is used also for extracting the particles resulted during processing the isolating material.